The last several years though I found myself lacking the Christmas spirit. This year was no exception. Looking back over the past years, I started to think about old traditions, so I wrapped up my presents, got out some Christmas lights (as you can see I didn't quite get them up on a tree, but they're still pretty), and brought out the red chile wreathes. I'm not sure how it came to be a tradition, but every Christmas Eve my mother made a big pot of beef vegetable soup. So I started a few days ahead making my own beef stock and starting on the soup. It's surprising how traditions can help. I began to feel a bit more Christmasy.
Going forward in 2015, I'm going to try to pay attention to personal routines and rituals, and finding ways to celebrate the seasons. I've found some already; riding the bus for my early morning commute, drawing every day, taking walks in the woods or meadows, and seeking out the beautiful winter sunsets. I hope to reconnect to more as the new year plays out.